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Scene II.

Soldiers and Clarin.
First Soldier
He is here within this tower.
Dash the door from off its hinges;
Enter all.


Good God! 'tis certain
That 'tis me they seek so briskly,
Since they say that I am here.
What can they require?

First Soldier.
Go in there.

[Several Soldiers enter.
Second Soldier.
Here he is.

He's not.

All the Soldiers.
Great lord!

Are the fellows mad or tipsy?

First Soldier.
Thou art our own Prince, and we
Will not have, and won't admit of,
Any but our natural Prince;
We no foreign Prince here wish for.
Let us kneel and kiss thy feet.

The Soldiers.
Live, long live our best of Princes!

'Gad! the affair grows rather serious.
Is it usual in this kingdom
To take some one out each day,
Make him Prince, and then remit him
To this tower? It must be so,
Since each day that sight I witness.
I must therefore play my part.

Thy feet give us!

I can't give them,
As I want them for myself.
For a prince to be a cripple
Would be rather a defect.

Second Soldier.
We have all conveyed our wishes
To your father; we have told him
You alone shall be our Prince here,
Not the Duke.

And were you guilty
'Gainst my sire, of disrespect?

First Soldier.
'Twas the loyalty of our spirit.

If 'twas loyalty, I forgive you.


Second Soldier.
Come, regain thy lost dominion.
Long live Sigismund!

Live the Prince.

Say they Sigismund? Good. Admitted.
Sigismund must be the name
Given to all pretended princes.