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A Tragedy

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Yes, Rome had now been lost; beneath the force
Of tyranny, majestic freedom sunk
To rise no more; for your reception death
Had ope'd his gloomy mansion; o'er our heads
Ruin inevitable hung; this night,
This instant, Tarquin would have rush'd upon us,
Grasping the terrors of revenge.—This Tuscan
With subtle art had scoop'd th'abyss, wide-stretch'd
Under our feet, and doom'd us to destruction.
But what will scarce acquire belief, there are
Of Roman birth, who 'gainst their native land
Conspiring, would have bent the servile knee
Before a monarch's nod; their ignorant
Misjudging passions, guided by Messala,
Who to the treacherous Aruns scrupled not
To sell his country. This with sleepless eye
Heaven saw, and warded off the fatal stroke
O'er Rome, o'er you impending. The discourse
Of Aruns by this faithful slave o'er-heard.
[Shewing Vindix.
His apprehensive mind suspected thence
The guilty consequence, to me he brought
His loyal information, all my fears
Awakening for the public good, and all
My active zeal rekindling. Strait I order'd
Messala to be seized, and brought before you.
Seeing his well-earn'd punishment prepared,
I hoped the traitor would, by fear compell'd,
Have named his base accomplices. Around him


My Lictors stood, when on a sudden, forth
He drew a dagger, whose fell point perhaps
For you was sharpen'd, and exclaim'd aloud,
“Would you my secrets learn? This mortal wound
“Contemplate! Trace them in my heart's warm blood!
“He who hath boldly dared conspire against you,
“Knows to conceal his purposes, and die.”
Then, e'er the astonish'd Lictors could advance,
Pierced his false breast, and tho' his crimes disgraced
The glorious title, like a Roman sell.
Aruns meanwhile had left the walls, the guards
Pursued him to the borders of the camp,
Securing him and Tullia. Soon each dark
And tangled maze of this destructive plan
Heaven will, I trust, unfold. Publicola
Will drag the traitors from their secret haunts.
But when the parricides shall stand confest,
Romans, beware! Against them steel your souls,
And banish mercy! Should our eyes behold
Friends, brothers, children, let each tender thought
Be in their guilt extinguish'd, and regard
Your solemn oath alone. Rome, liberty,
Demands that they should suffer; to bestow
Pardon on them, were to partake their crimes.
[To the Slave.
Thou, on whose birth, erroneous fortune stamp'd
The seal of slavery, when she ought t'have given
A Roman to the world! To whom the senate
Owes this fair light of day; from whom the state
Derives its safety, be the freedom thine,
To them, to me imparted: and henceforth
To nobler views aspiring, with my sons
Claim equal rank; like them the dread of kings.
But hark! What sudden shouts!

Seiz'd by the guards, I have conducted hither.


With what assurance can he dare—