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Enter Rhodolinda, Laura.
Thou tell'st me Wonders.

Greater wait behind.
Soon as I reach'd the sage Urganda's Cell,
A Flight of Owls and Batts and Raven-Wings
With hideous Clang, I tremble to relate it,
Beat the thick Air, and Adders thro' the Brakes
Hiss'd rusling, grumbled underneath the Ground,
And open wide the Doors, harsh-creaking, flew.
I shou'd have dy'd with Fear, if Zeal to serve You,
My royal Mistress, had not arm'd my Soul,
Weak in its native female Pow'rs, with Courage
Unknown before, against these Scenes of Horror.


She, tottering o'er an Ebon Staff, demanded
My Business at that solemn Hour of Darkness.
Quick I acquainted Her with your Commission,
With trembling haste: She mutter'd and withdrew,
But soon return'd, and folded in a Paper
She gave the Poison You requir'd. “Take this,
This Powder, tell thy Mistress, breaths Destruction,
Perfum'd with Death: no Skill on Earth can save
The Person who but smells the precious Bane.
These Herbs were gather'd by the trembling Moon-light,
Beneath a Mandrakes melancholy Shade,
Steep'd in Echidna's Gore and wash'd in Acheron;
Thrice with the sooty Wings of East-winds fann'd,
And thrice unhallow'd with a Blight of Curses
In Demogorgon's Hall: the Charm is fatal.”
She said, and with an hollow Smile retir'd.

What Dangers hast Thou undergone to ease me?
Nor shall They, unrewarded, pass forgotten.
Now to our Business. We in Time provided
This blessed Remedy: had we defer'd


A Day, an Hour, a Moment, as you find,
It wou'd have come too late; at least for Vengeance.
She shall not live an Hour. The King commands
My Presence at this hated Nuptial Banquet,
The Bride shall find me there, and Death together.
Yes, Death shall hold her Revels, and Destruction
Drest up in Smiles and Flow'rs. Methinks I see Her
Flushing with Pride, perhaps with Scorn:—enjoy
Thy momentary Triumph;—yes,—enjoy
Thy Husband's Vows—another Moment longer—
Then, then the Triumph shall be all my own.
Are all Things ready?

All prepar'd by Tibalt;
The Flow'rs, the Sword the Cupids and the Music.

'Tis well. Meanwhile, Dissimulation, aid me,
Ingenious in thy undermining Arts—
Yet timerous—O that we must sink so low!—
My Soul disdains Thee, but Revenge commands me,
So thou, Dissimulation prompt my Purpose,


Thou trick my Countenance with lying Smiles,
And breath thy subtle Pow'rs into my Eyes.
—Th'Hyena and Revenge may soon be tutour'd;
For Nature, ready Nature points the Way.

Enter Servant.
Madam, the Banquet waits You.

I'll be there.
