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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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Melampus. A bright cloud advances towards the front of the stage.

Song from the cloud.
[Trochaic measure.
Youth, dissolve thy cares in pleasure;
Look where, half-attir'd, the damsels,
Tripping round that glassy fountain,
Smile, and proffer sweet endearment,
Each contending for thy choice.


turning to the side-scene.
I see a glassy fountain; I discern
A troop of damsels, azure-ey'd like morn,
Blithe as the spring, like summer glowing ripe,
In garments loosely waving. But I hear,
Or seem to hear, thy warnings, sage Madauces,
And thus exclude the wantons from my sight.

[He lifts his mantle before his eyes, and turns aside. The cloud opens, and discovers the figures of Venus and Cupid.
Then to me exalt thy raptures,
Me, the queen of love and beauty.
See my son to cure thy anguish.
Hero, come. Divine embraces
Woo thee to Idalian bow'rs.

A languor breath'd in odours from that cloud,
Allurement stealing through my eyes and ears,
Melt down my spirit. Long-suppress'd desires
Wake in my heart; and constancy is wav'ring.
Now, Themis, strengthen thy half-vanquish'd soldier!
Let me retreat, and plunge in deepest shades.

[He withdraws, and the cloud disappears.