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At times my lady seizes me and flings
Her arms around mine unreluctant form
And wraps me for a season in the storm,
The thunder of the closing of her wings,
And I am as some white glad bird that clings
Against a purple cloud-breast, and I weep,
And strive with shuddering fainting hands to keep
That vision of unutterable things.
For she bends over me as some pure cloud,
And I am as a flower that will dare,
Being supremely weak, to face the air
That hangs above it as a sweet dim shroud;
Next, my strained body sobs with yearning, bowed
Beneath the fragrant tempest of her hair.



She sweeps across me like a fragrant wind
Laden with summer and a thousand fruits,
And countless messages of springing shoots,
Even as a gentle woman being blind,
But bearing in her bosom every kind
Of flower, and coloured leaf, and unctuous roots;
And as a fervent noise of answering lutes
Is the Æolian response of my mind
Blown by her spirit into endless song,
Hot with the sense of summer she conveys
From cornfields over which her hand delays
To gather fragrance as she sweeps along,
One with the winds and scents and sounds that throng
The odorous woods and hills on summer days.