University of Virginia Library



Ah, the pretty planet!
Ah, the floating sphere!
Gentle sighings fan it
Near and yet more near.
World as light as feather,
Spun of coloured rays;
All the hues together
Tinge it as it plays.
Autumn's deepest golden,
Summer, wed to Spring,
Silvery Winter olden,
Move in changeful ring.


Open shine of morning
Fresh on dripping flow'rs,
Closer pomp adorning
Pillow of the hours.
Childhood's dreamy colour,
Pulsing into light,
Waxing full and fuller,
Dimmed again to night.
Past and future mingle
Through the lucent globe;
Wave entwined and single,
Like a woven robe.
All is freely flowing,
Interchanging round;
Prismal life outgoing,
Welling without sound.
Would the breath to fan it
Had for once repelled,
Since that fairy planet
Never could be held!


Ere it burst for ever;
Leaving as our prize,
Gall our lips to savour,
Tears to blind our eyes.