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The Reliquary

By Bernard and Lucy Barton. With A Prefatory Appeal for Poetry and Poets

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“And all the Widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them.” Acts ix. 39.

Thou didst not soar to deathless fame
By deeds of high emprize;
Yet not the less thy honour'd name
With dark oblivion vies.
Far more the Christian's heart reveres,
By Christian precepts tried,
Thy works of love, those widows' tears,
Than many a heroine's pride.
From Jael's dark relentless deed,
From Judith's valour stern,
Thy unobtrusive claims to plead,
With partial joy I turn.


Thou wast not call'd, from slavery's yoke
To set thy country free,
The syren wile, the deadly stroke,
Were never dealt by thee.
By deeds which all may imitate
Thy modest name is known;
And thus, by gentle goodness, great,
Should woman's worth be shown.
What we admire, but cannot love,
The world's applause may win;
But actions like thine own approve,
The Christian heroine!