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Poems, on sacred and other subjects

and songs, humorous and sentimental: By the late William Watt. Third edition of the songs only--with additional songs

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Beside a limpid purling stream—
Which murm'ring on did play,
And 'neath the blazing noontide beam
With windings fair did stray—
An aged shepherd, musing deep,
Lay 'neath a birken shade;
While frisking lambs and fleecy sheep
Browsed on the flowery glade.
His look sedate, his hoary brow,
Bespoke him good and sage,
And that he had, long, long ere now,
Withstood fell passion's rage.


And, as the youth was passing by,
The complimental swain
Arose, and thus, with placid eye,
The youth did entertain.