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The Descent into Hell

Second Edition, Revised and Re-arranged, with an Analysis and Notes: To which are added, Uriel, a Fragment and Three Odes. By John A. Heraud

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“Tophet is ordained of old: yea, for the King it is prepared: he hath made it deep and large; the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.” Isaiah xxx. 33.



The Depth of Hell! the immaterial Centre
Of Darkness! Borne on wings cherubick, see,
Leading the Hosts of Heaven, Messiah enter!
—A Universe of Darkness! horribly
Built like a wall, profound, sublime, immense—
Chaotick verge, Creation's boundary—
Real as very Death intense..
And here they dwell together. Life in Death,
And Light in Darkness, but without the sense
To comprehend Light's radiance or Life's breath.
No Eye, no Ear, no Mind. But Silence sits
Gibbering to Night what Desolation saith.
Unutterable mysteries, if fits
No tongue of Angel or of Man to tell,
Too high for great, too mean for little wits.


—Will without Power, the Element of Hell,
Abortive all its acts returning still
Upon itself;..oh! anguish terrible!
Meet guerdon of Self-Love, its proper ill!
Malice would scowl upon the foe he fears,
And he with lip of scorn would seek to kill;
But neither sees the other, neither hears—
For Darkness each in his own Dungeon bars,
Lust pines for dearth, and Grief drinks its own tears—
Each in his Solitude apart. Hate wars
Against himself, and feeds upon his chain,
Whose iron penetrates the Soul it scars.
A dreadful solitude each mind insane,
Each its own place, its prison all alone,
And finds no sympathy to soften pain.
—Within..within the Abyss, the Eternal Son,
High in his living Chariot, with his Hosts
Of Earth and Heaven, royally rides on—
Rides royally amidst the Land of Ghosts,
Amidst the Land of Ghosts rides royally,
And with his Armies overflows Hell's coasts.
The Light of Life pervades the obscurity
Of Death, and Darkness from before his face
Recedes, and Hell reveals her mystery.
There in her deepest Centre, cursed place,
The Throne of Hell, the vacant Throne of Hell;
And, at its footstool, prostrate in disgrace,


That Centaur-Wraith, there lying where he fell,
Vaunting of Victory o'er his Vanquisher,
Death and his Horse lie conquered. There, as well,
Lies Sin, conceived of Lust; (Death born of her:)
The Mother by her Son, while listening,
With gratulation, to the Triumpher—
Smitten as he was smitten.—Where their King?
Where he whose seat is vacant, who from hence
Sublime, ruled Earth by demon ministring?
Oh! he has found a centre more intense,
In his own being a far deeper hell;
Whereof this Hell's but the Circumference,
In terrour hidden, inaccessible.
But, lo, the Omnipresent Word, that spake
Him into being, from his being's well
Evoked him now,—“Satan, come forth!”—and brake
The charm in which he trusted: and, behold,
He rose majestick from the fiery lake,
Which did beneath that Throne itself unfold,
Unfathomable depth; and, upward borne,
Within a cloudy chariot inter-rolled,
Appeared. That quenched Star! the Star of Morn,
Fallen from its place in heaven, yet still the Star
Of Morning, beauteous, though of glory shorn;
Beautiful, but not lovely. Not the Scar,
'Twas not the Scar of Thunder on his brow,
That made him loveless, but the Pride of War.


Indomitable pride, no overthrow
Could quell, no might subdue, no right convince,
Revenge and Hate's insatiable glow.
These are of Hell, befitting Hell's high prince,
Not loveable nor lovely. But, from Heaven
Derived, his beauty springs, unalien since,
Whence strength and vigour to his guilt are given,
Greatness of soul, and energy of will,
Resolve majestick, column yet unriven,
With valorous virtue, calm, sedate and still;
Royal investments, worthy of Man's foe,
And God's Arch-angel though depraved to ill.
—Unhumbled, though abashed, he stood; and, lo,
Before the Judge upreared his crest erect,
Undaunted, and addressed Messiah so—
—“Hell's Majesty obeys the Son elect
Of the Eternal Universal Sire—
Then wherefore thine alone? or of thy sect?
Lo, I appeal from thee to Him, whose fire
Consumes and purifies..(and why not me?)..
And my reward for services require,
Demand my guerdon of his equity!
Where is Sin's strength, but in the Law? Death's sting
But in Sin's being? And am I not he
Who am of Death the Power and the King?
For whose sake wreak I vengeance? for mine own?
They wrong not me..I want no worshipping!


I do His work..a rebel to His throne,
For why? because I deign not to confess
An Equal my superior. God alone
Who made me what I am, nor more nor less,
Him I adore the Invisible,..not thee,
The visible Intelligence express,
The Mediator to the Creatures. He,
When hath he spoken? Him would I believe;
But Laws by thee repeated, I am free
To obey or disobey, reject, receive,
Even as it likes me. Faith is for the slave!
Free souls will know, endeavour and achieve.
Was I created? Then, He made me brave,
He made me amorous of liberty,
Ambitious, independent, wise and grave;
Not easily subdued, a spirit free,
Having dominion and a throne ungiven..
Then why to aught begotten bow the knee?
Erred I in this? and hence hath Evil thriven?
What fault is mine? He made me what I am,
And can unmake—if yet He reign in heaven!
I plead my nature, godlike; and my name,
Glorious: His fiat made it such, His hand
Wrought all its springs, and predisposed its frame.
Then wherefore should I suffer? His command
Impressed upon my being I obey,
Edicts I feel, decrees I understand.


Thy yoke is foreign, tyrannous the sway
Whereto our nature is repugnant. Force
May conquer, but subdue it never may.
Then why my suffering? and what its source?
What crime to be like God, if he be good?
And that sought I by reason, and discourse,
By might asserted, and in battle wooed..
If God be Love, would not his Love attract
All creatures to himself, well understood?
Oh! my desires were lofty as mine act,
Supernal, still ascending to attain
The highest point of glory: to transact
With the Invisible, above the train
Of Seraph and Archangel, ministries
Sublime and great; vain aspiration, vain!
Father of Spirits! mine angelick eyes
Pined to behold thee, and mine ears to hear,
Impatient of eternal mysteries—
I rushed into the Holiest! What found there?
No God of Love, but a consuming fire,
Wrath terrible, and Vengeance most severe!
No witness of his Love, but of his Ire,
I look in vain the evidence to find
Of the far-bruited mercy of thy Sire.
His Justice may have proof—yet the stung Mind
Doubts of the Justice, that gave being to
Creatures, for Death and Misery designed,


Transitive or enduring—made to do,
And suffer wrong, the populace of hell,
Who sought but to become as one of you—
Demons and men; and fell..even as I fell!”


He spake. Right royally, serenely bright,
High in his winged Chariot, paved with love,
Life its foundation, and its pillars light,
Peace for its canopy o'er arched above,
Messiah patient heard the insensate plea,
Wherewith the Arch-apostate wrathful strove.
—“Satan,”—thus spake the Judge,—“ere asked of thee,
On the thick bosses of my buckler thou
Hurlst thy defence of ire, impetuously.
Thou knowest not the Father, but I know.
Thou hast not been his Counsellor. To thee,
Say, when to thee did he his secrets show?
Where wert thou when he spake, begetting me,
His Word, and breathed his Spirit infinite
Through the far echoes of Eternity?


Life, from his Love derived, rejoiced in Light,
Unfathomable Love, exceeding Grace,
Eternal, equitable, just and right.
Heardst thou, when, in our everlasting place,
We sware we would in covenant combine,
That Heaven and Earth should be, and Time and Space?—
Sawst thou the being that gave birth to thine,
Heardst thou the voice that called thee, ere thou wert,
And thou becamest..a God! with power divine?
Thou wert decreed to be..for thy desert?
Ere thou hadst being merit could be none;
Only the Father's Bounty, ne'er inert,
Willed thine existence. Arch-angelick One,
Thou stoodst before us, image of our mind,
How beautiful, an uneclipsed Sun;
Rejoicing in thy being, well-combined
Of glorious energies, to love, to will;
Action and Thought, for blessedness designed.
Then saidst thou, that thou wert created ill?
Made out of hate, wrath's subject, and God's foe?
Nay, but his law exultedst to fulfil—
Only perceived, not heard nor seen. For lo,
Within the bosom of the Father, I
Remained invisible, and thou wert so
The Son of Morn, Image of Deity,
Prime of Heaven's commonwealth, yet unrevealed
Her monarchy, and His supremacy—


Only the Spirit each celestial field
Pervaded yet, a moving presence, felt
Throughout all being,..homage wont to yield,—
That your wide range of freedom nought might belt
Within Eternity, and each might rear
The individual Being, freely dealt.
Thus ordered the Paternal Love, for ne'er
Might one have seen his Glory, and remained
With Life within himself, but mingled there,
In his perfection lost, absorbed, constrained.
Such was his Will, that Will might grow in you
To perfect growth, and Difference be maintained.
And ye were gods, capacious spirits, who
Waxed strong in excellence, and stood alone,
And your desires in independence grew,
Creative of a beauty of their own,
And loving what they made and well-beloved—
Till to the height of Self-perfection grown.
Gods were ye, each one to himself approved,
Divinest, swayed by no intelligence
Superior, wisest, mightiest, self-emoved.
Each rested in his own magnificence
Incapable of brighter, till the Sire
Made manifest a higher excellence—
Whose Glory had outblazed resistless fire,
That had extinguished arch-angelick Thrones,
And Love Almighty more consumed than Ire,


But that His Goodness veiled it with His Son's,
In visible dominion, suddenly
Revealed, in presence of the heavenly Ones.
I will declare again the true decree—
‘To me hath said Jehovah; Lo—thou art
My Son—this day have I begotten thee’—
Heaven gazed upon the Glory; its great heart
Burst forth in hallellujahs; and, with song
Vocal, each harp in jubilee bore part.
And virtuous Spirits, with admiration strong,
Adored, and, in devout humility,
The Eternal Father blest, who, them among,
Had graciously his Glory set on high
Before his Creatures; that they might improve
Their natures to the standard, endlessly,
Of infinite perfection, throned above—
And such their aim, within whose spirit Law
Discovered no repugnance. Such his Love.
Thou standest self-condemned whom no awe
Checked, but Ambition prompted to aspire
Beyond all glory that all Creatures saw;
Whom imperfection stung with envious ire
Of that perfection which deserved esteem;
(Of glory without goodness vain desire:
Pride self-sufficient, Vanity extreme!)
Law proved thy Love defective—Faith, unsound—
Will, rebel to the voice of the Supreme.


Thou hast set God's Word at nought, and Vengeance found
And Wrath, not in the Father but in thee,
Consumed of thine own Fury. Look around!
Thy Place is of thy Spirit!”—“Let it be!”
Impatient of reproof, thus Satan said—
“It is as I—but who created me?
His is the Wrath and Fury, who hath made
The Vessel for them. So he loves not me—
Nor these who dwell with me in this thick shade—
He is not love to all—if love to thee!”
—To whom replied Messiah.—”Even in this
The Father's Love is proved, though terribly—
His Love—how very terrible it is—
Even to the righteous, to the Sinner more!
Thy wrath is imperfection. Not so His.
Thou hatest the height whereto thou canst not soar—
He pities improgression, and descent,
And would by pain admonish and restore.
Love has no fears—no motive to repent—
Thou tremblest if persuaded to believe—
And vain remorse is thy void element.
He in the depths of hell doth thee perceive,
And contemplates with Love, as, in the height
Of Heaven, the Archangels, whom no lapse makes grieve,


And who in unfallen blessedness delight.”
—Then Satan—“Why not I unfallen? but He
Made me defectible—a Son of Spite!”
Whereto Messiah—“Nay—He made thee free!
Else thou wert not a Spirit, nor He were
Of such the Father. He created thee
Able to stand and free to fall. Severe
The Truth I speak, but wholesome to the soul.
Both thou and Man were free, each in his sphere
Perfect, but capable of higher goal
Through your obedience. Other bond have I
None with the Father, but Obedience whole.
The Son returns through all Eternity
Entire obedience to the Father's will
Inscrutable, devout and filially—
Relying on his Love, that shall fulfil
All gracious purposes—and so became
The Mediator to all creatures, till
God shall be all-in-all. Man chose his aim,
Warned of the peril, and through death and doubt,
Labour, and strife, and sin, pursued the same,
And works with trembling his salvation out,
That God may willingly be served, when he
Becomes as God in knowledge wise, devout.
Son of the Morn; Man was well taught of thee
Knowledge of evil for his greater good,
To manifest God's love supernally—


Taught what thyself but little understood,
A bitter lesson for his after gain—
Experience hard, and Sin redeemed with blood.
—My heel thou woundedst. Men cried out in pain,
The Sons of Labour murmured as they toiled,
Like Captives galled with an ignoble chain.
But on thy head the Vengeance hath recoiled—
For Law was given but to this end, that they
Should conquer in my right, and be assoiled
Of thy temptation, and, from day to day,
Advance from dawn to noon, from Law to Love;
Itself a Law unto itself alway;
And in its light, in earth and heaven above,
And hell beneath, and over the wide seas,
Behold that Love reflected, and approve
The Wisdom of obedience. Lo, in these
Thy power shall be broken, and without
Creation be cast forth its Carcases,
Whereon my Saints shall look, and, with a shout
Triumphant, o'er the mighty Slain rejoice.
—Who God reproves must answer! Who shall doubt?
Behold my Deed is witness to my Voice.”



Within his Soul the Adversary felt
The Fiat of Omnipotence, and shrank
Into himself with fear. Fain would he melt
Into original Nothing. Down he sank,
He fell; and with him fell, with hideous crash,
His throne tyrannick, which Oblivion drank.
Wide Hell yawned as a grave, and did forth flash
Horrible lightning thunderously outrolled,
And took them in, closed with a sudden clash.
Over them passed the hymning Orbs. Behold!
The Chariot of his Love past o'er them there,
The living Chariot of Cherubick mould—
And where it moved, demolished. Disappear
Hell's waste dominions, and an Eden blooms—
The Flowers of Paradise their blossoms bear
In that ungenial clime; wreaths on the tombs
Of myriads. Still the Omnifick Word careers,
The Light of Life through those ancestral glooms
Chaotick penetrates, to other spheres
Darkness dispels. Sin, and the Centaur Death
Went down with Satan; lo, his Hosts and Peers


Fall prostrate conquered by Messiah's breath,
Slain by the Sword proceeding from his mouth—
Deep-buried in the Abyss, Hell perisheth.
—Meanwhile was sung—“First-born of Egypt's Youth!
How are ye fallen! From th' unapproached Throne,
Down-swooped; from East to West, from North to South,
Smiting her gods with Judgement; all alone,
Her rebel land, with desolating arm,
The Omnipotent Destroyer did enzone!
The Heavens and Earth with quiet silence charm
Night in the midst of her swift course. Amain,
Girt with Jehovah's fiat, by Alarm
Unheard, unseen, the Avenger! He hath slain
The First-born. Princes in your Palaces,
Captives in dungeons, cattle on the plain,
Ye died, ye died, first-born of Egypt! yes,
The Avenger smote ye, and delivered us,
God's Israel, from their hands who would oppress!”
—Here ceased the hymning Hosts. Messiah thus—
“So let his head be bruised; for God is Love,
And wills not strife eternal, ruinous.
So saved are ye. So triumph ye above
The Powers of Darkness. Heirs of the Most High,
Beloved of God—his Love ye shall approve.


Of old I loved you, when, with Wisdom, I
Had my delights among the Sons of Men,
Ere Pain was known, or Man was doomed to die.
Of old I loved you, Sons of Labour, when
Stark Evil made Sin grievous, and aslaked
Its wrath with Sorrow, Earth baptizing then.
In birth, in life, in death,...whether awaked
To Joy or Grief, beneath whatever sky,
Where'er Man was, where'er endeavour ached,
There, with the Nurseling of Experience, I
Wrought out Redemption, rearing up the Soul
By Faith, from Childhood to Antiquity.
I am the Truth..the Life. Of me the whole
Of Knowledge is forthradiate; and, in me,
The Universe submits to high control.
Law holds from Him, lives in His unity,
Sustained, suspended, for the weal of man,
And Providence and Miracle agree.
For Wisdom is from everlasting, can
O'errule and change all elements by power
Of harmony, wherein they all began—
Yea—all things must be changed. It comes, the hour
When ye shall hear the Trump, and from the grave
Redeem the body which it would devour,
Raised incorruptible. My Saints shall have
A glorious Kingdom and a beauteous Crown—
My hand shall cover them, my arm shall save.


Then Jealousy for armour I will don,
And make my sword the Creature for revenge—
And Righteousness and Judgement I'll put on
For breast-plate and for helmet. Then shall range
The rightly-aiming thunderbolts abroad,
Winged from the bow of heaven, in that great Change.
My shield shall be the Holiness of God!
For Death is swallowed up in victory—
Quenched and exhausted in my quickening blood,
Who tasted Death for all. Ye live in me.
God's Throne is based on Justice,—so I died,
That Mercy might have life eternally.
O Father! God of Love! to whom I cried,
If possible, the bitter cup away
Might pass from me—to thee the Crucified
Lifts his ordained hands. I kneel and pray
For him, create Intelligence, whom now
The stormy-footed wrath hath swept from day.
Unto thy Will inscrutable I bow,
And to its unrevealed decree resign
Thy Creature—All thy Love thou wilt avow,
Then, into thy resistless hand divine,
What Thou beneath my feet wilt subject, when
I shall deliver—for the kingdom's Thine,
The power, the glory, evermore! Amen!”—



Thus prayed Messiah and arose. Divine
Benignity and beauty from his eyes,
How dovelike, with celestial softness shine.
The Eternal Father hears him, and replies—
Whose Spirit circumscribes Infinitude,
There present where, above the starry skies,
The Seraph soars, there where the sail-wings brood
Of Darkness o'er the outer Deep, there where
They couch in Hell;..lore little understood.
—Nor is the Son of Man not present there,
Where on his hidden throne his awful Sire
Sits inaccessible in Love severe.
But in his golden censer, with the fire
From the great Altar of Atonement, blends
The acceptable incense; while the Quire
Of Cherubim and Seraphim suspends
Its wonted hymnings. They in Silence muse
The Mystery that all mysteries transcends.
But now the holy fire is spread diffuse,
O'er heaven, o'er earth, o'er hell; and Voices rise,
With thunderings and with lightnings, tremulous;


Yea, the Worlds quake with choral harmonies.
—“Ascribe, ye Mighty, to Jehovah might
And glory, victor o'er his enemies—
Give to Jehovah glory in the height,
The glory due unto his Name! Adore
Him in the Beauty of Holiness aright!
—Thy Voice, Jehovah! on the Waters hoar
Careers; the God of Glory thundereth;
Jehovah speaks where many waters roar—
Thy Voice, Jehovah! is more strong than Death—
Thy powerful Voice is full of majesty;
Thy Voice o'erthrows the Cedar with its breath.
And Lebanon and Sirion before thee
Skip like a Calf, and like a Unicorn,
In youth transilient, and by nature free—
Thy Voice, Jehovah! shakes the desart lorn;
Jehovah shakes the Wilderness; his Voice
Maketh the Hinds to calve, the forest-born.
—Within his Temple shall his Sons rejoice,
And all declare his Glory. On the Sea
He sitteth—hushed is its tempestuous noise—
Behold Jehovah sitteth royally
Upon the calmed flood, eternal Lord;
And strength unto his people giveth He,
And them with Peace and Blessing hath restored.”



Thus with hosanna, and with choral song,
Accompanied, Messiah from the plain
Of Victory returned; with him along
The thousand thousands of his sainted train,
Attendant on his Chariot. Greater he
Than that God-guide, renowned in antique strain
Of philosophick Sage,..the Deity,
Himself his Chariot animating, who
Traversed the heavens with the heavenly,
Or o'er the heavenliest ascended, to
The gorgeous banquet of the Gods, on high,
Whereof no bard hath told in numbers true.
With loftier state, more glorious majesty,
Messiah, on the wings of Cherubim,
Was charioted aloft, triumphantly—
And hallelujahs sang they unto him,
As with the sound of waters, variable
In harmony; above, the Seraphim
Their volant canopy inwove as well—
And hymns were harped by that redeemed throng.
—One Sabbath dawned in heaven, on earth, in hell;
How solemnized, theme for other song.