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There is glory in the gleaming
Of the bright sun in the west;
There is beauty in the beaming
Of the moon on ocean's breast:
There is music in the measure
Of the skylark at his height;
And a sadder, softer pleasure
In sweet Philomel's at night.
There is merriment and brightness
In the goblet's sparkling flow;
And purity and whiteness
In the newly-fallen snow.


But clouds too soon are shading
The sunshine of delight,
And the boons of Time are fading,
Still briefest when most bright.
To enjoy them while afforded,
Is their Giver to obey;
But let not hope be hoarded
On what soon must pass away.
Entrust thy hopes of pleasure
Unto Faith's celestial key;
Since where thou keep'st thy treasure,
There thy heart will surely be!