University of Virginia Library




Ah, willow, willow! droop with me,
Still bend thy verdant head,
For I have lost my own true love,
Ah! wherefore is she fled?
Sad willow tree,
She's gone from me,
So, willow, I will weep with thee.
The silver stream which bathes thy root,
Is emblem of my heart,
It gently murmurs as it glides;
I moan love's cruel smart.
So willow weep,
When cold I sleep,
And shade me in the grave full deep.


For round thee still the breeze shall moan;
Thou still wilt droop thine head,
And, weeping, shade the friendly turf
That shrouds me when I'm dead.
So, willow tree,
I'll sit by thee,
Thou soother of my misery.