University of Virginia Library

Final Blessing.

“Grace be with us all, evermore.” —Prayer Book.

The heart is harden'd through itself alone
By Passion's indurating law;
And, save from Godhead, who that living stone
Subdued and soften'd, ever saw?
Man forms the sinner; but, a Saint must be
A Spirit-birth, direct from Deity!


As Adam, once, from throned perfection fell
Down guilty depths of gloom, and woe,
So, from the curse of sin's commencing hell
Celestial ransom must we owe
To that true Life, which God and Grace impart
When seeds of Glory sanctify the heart.
Helpless in Self, but hopeful in their God,
Disciples learn their state to prove:—
So felt the sainted Martyrs who have trod
Those mystic paths meek Angels love;
Christ was their All; and He is e'er the same,
To all regen'rate in His glorious Name!
Culture and science, art and boundless skill,
With all endowments Nature grants,
Are heathen,—if they leave the bosom still
A soil for those unhallow'd plants
Doom'd to be rent from their disastrous root,
And burnt, because they bear an impious fruit.
And thus, Anointer of our inward Man!
By one vast prayer they compass all
Which in redemption's Trinitarian plan
Thy hidden ones their heirship call,—
When, grace, and love, and Fellowship divine
Priests for the people seek before the Shrine!

Matt. vi. 10.

Matt. xv. 13.

Numb. vi. 25.