University of Virginia Library


Eawr Liz.

If Ah was lahk them graadely gells
Eawr Jemmy gans te see,
'At maks a peep-shaw o' theirsels,
He'd maybe think o' me.
Bud wat, thah knaws Ah's nowt o' t' soort;
Ah's nobbut wat Ah is;
An' them 'at thinks te mak ma' spoort,
Tha ca'n ma' Boompin Liz.
Aye, an' it favvers ma', doos t' naam!
Ah likes it, ony waa:
For why, it's nowther sin nor shaam
Te worrk an' nut te plaa.
Ah niver reckon'd te be nesh—
Ah niver wānted teah;
Ah'd liefer leeak as stoot an' fresh
An' boompin as Ah deah.
An' thah's anoother; eh, mah lass,
If we was lahk yon gells,
An' seed eawr faaces iv a glass,
Wa sudna knaw wersels!


Naw woonder! It's a rooghish traade,
An' moocky, is this here;
An' them as canna grip a spaade,
Ah laa tha'd find it queer!
Mah wod! Sich fiddlin' gells as yon,
'At ligs awhoam indoors,
Thaa'd niver coom te Pemleton,
All weathers, ower th' moors.
Aye, marry—an' Ah minds it weel,
When t' moon was oop i' th' sky,
An' t' moonleet wasna sich a deal
Te pick yer treadins by,
Ah mind, when we'd a job te stan',
Sae roogh yon wind did blaw;
Bud link'd tegither we mud gan
Throof three good mile o' snaw!
Well, Ah could deah wi' Jemmy, lass,
If he could deah wi' me;
Bud as for seechin' of his brass—
Bah goom, Ah'd liefer dee!
Eh! theer'll be oother lads, naw doot,
A-speerin' efter Liz;
An' if tha' dawn't, Ah'll stick te t' shoot,
An' joost be wat Ah is.