University of Virginia Library


Short while the Abbot did repose,
When he had left the Banquet-hall;
For soon, where his arched chamber rose,
Would other pageant-scenes disclose


On days of convent festival.
Here, on the Martyr's annual feast
When Obits at his shrine had ceased;
When Give-Ale and the Dole were o'er;
When Robin Hood had left his bower,
And in the Convent's spacious court
The morrice-dancers ceased their sport,
And on the rout was closed the Abbey-door;
Then torch and taper, blazing clear
Within the Abbot's evening room,
Banished the heavy, wintry gloom;
And Mysteries were acted here.
Then, Chronicle of Kings, pourtrayed
From England's story, long gone by,
In mimic garb and scene arrayed
Awoke the brethren's solemn sigh;
Such as we breathe o'er these, our theme,
Whelmed in the ever-passing stream.