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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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At length, at the door of the inn l'Herisson,
(Pray go there, if ever you go to Serchon!)
The two horsemen, well pleased to have reach'd it, alighted
And exchanged their last greetings.
The Frenchman invited
Lord Alfred to dinner. Lord Alfred declined.
He had letters to write, and felt tired. So he dined
In his own rooms that night.
With an unquiet eye
He watch'd his companion depart; nor knew why,
Beyond all accountable reason or measure,
He felt in his breast such a sovran displeasure.


‘The fellow's good-looking,’ he murmur'd at last,
‘And yet not a coxcomb.’ Some ghost of the past
Vex'd him still.
‘If he love her,’ he thought, ‘let him win her.’
Then he turn'd to the future—and order'd his dinner.