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The Book of Psalms in English Metre

The Newest Version Fitted to the Common Tunes. By Charles Darby

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Psalm XXXV.

Psalm XXXV.


Against all them that strive with me,
My righteous cause defend:
And they that will contend with me,
With them, O Lord contend.



With shield and spear defend me Lord,
And my pursuers stay:
And to my soul in her distress,
I am thy Saviour, say.


Confound, O Lord, and put to shame,
My bloody enemies:
Let them with shame be turned back,
That cruel plots devise.


Pursue them by thine Angel, Lord,
As wind makes chaff to fly:
And let their way to make them fall,
Be dark and slippery.


For they without a cause, O Lord,
A net for me have laid:
Surprize and take them in the snare,
Which they for others made.


Then shall my soul rejoyce in thee,
My bones shall all confess;
Who, like the Lord, can save the poor,
From those that him oppress?


False witnesses accused me,
Of what I never thought:
And they whose lives I had preserv'd,
Have my destruction sought.


But as for me, when they were sick.
I did both fast and mourn:
And to my bosom back again,
My prayer did return.


None for a friend or brother dear,
Could mourn more heartily:


No son could for his mothers death,
Be troubled more than I.


But when I fell, they made a mock;
Yea when the baser sort,
Together met, I still was made
Their table-talk and sport.


To save me from those lyons mouths,
No longer, Lord, forbear:
That in the congregations great,
Thy praise I may declare.


Let them not over me insult,
Who good with ill requite:
Nor wink at me with scornful eyes,
Whose hearts are full of spite.


For they contrive against my life,
Though I have quiet been:
Yea charge me openly with crimes,
And say our eyes have seen.


All this thou hast observ'd, O Lord;
Then come and make no pause:
But as thou art my Lord and God,
Awake and judge my cause.


According to my innocence,
O judge and do me right:
And let them not triumphing say,
We have devour'd them quite.


O let these proud insulters all,
With shame confounded be:
But let them sing and shout for joy,
That love and favour me.



Yea let them ever bless the Lord,
Who doth his servant love;
And all day long my tongue shall sing,
The praise of God above.