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[Fine Lace or Linnen, Sir]

Fine Lace or Linnen, Sir,
Good Gloves or Ribbons here;
What is't you please to Buy-Sir?
Pray what d'ye ask for this?
Ten Shillings is the Price;
It Cost me, Sir, no less,
I Scorn to tell a Lye-Sir.
Madam, what is't you want,
Rich Fans of India Paint?
Fine Hoods or Scarfs, my Lady?
Silk Stockins will you Buy,
In Grain or other Dye?
Pray Madam, please your Eye:
I've Good as e'er was made-ye.
My Lady, feel the Weight,
They're Fine, and yet not Slight,
I'd with my Mother trust-'em
For Goodness and for Wear,
Madam, I Vow and Swear,
I show'd you this same Pair,
In hopes to gain your Custom.
Pray tell me in a Word,
At what you can afford,
With Living Gain to sell em:
The Price is one Pound Five,
And as I hope to Live,
I do my Profit give,
Your Honour's very Welcome.


Knives, Penknives, Combs, or Scissors,
Tooth-Pickers, Sirs, or Tweesers;
Or Walking Canes, to Ease-ye.
Ladies d'ye want fine Toys,
For Misses or for Boys?
Of all sorts I have Choice,
And pretty things to please-ye.
I want a little Babye;
As pretty a one as may be,
With Head-Dress made of Feather:
And now I think again,
I want a Toy from Spain,
You know what 'tis I mean:
Pray send 'em home together.