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The Double-meaning Lover.

A Song.


O lovely Nimph, have pity on your Swain,
And let him not be martyr'd with Disdain,
Take Pattern by the Gods and Mercy shew,
He stoops to Fate, lest rescu'd soon by you.


O lead me to some pleasant shady Grove,
Where Nimphs and Shepherds breath their faithful Love


And there where Linnets sing and Thurtles choo,
I'll tune my Voice and sing in praise of you.


But if groaning and pining,
And sighing and whining,
I find at the last will not win ye;
I shall think, by my Soul,
I'm a damnable Fool,
If I dote on the Charms that are in ye.


Tho I sigh and I tremble,
I only dissemble,
In hopes by that means to deceive ye,
But as soon as I find
You're too chast to be kind,
By my Soul I shall suddenly leave ye.