University of Virginia Library


Song XII. The Mutual Kiss.

Cælia, by those smiling graces,
Which my panting bosom warm;
By the heaven of thy embraces,
By thy wond'rous power to charm;
By those soft bewitching glances,
Which my inmost bosom move;
By those lips, whose kiss entrances,
Thee, and thee alone I love.
By thy God-like art of loving,
Cælia, with a blush, replies;
By thy heavenly power of moving,
All my soul to sympathize;
By thy eager fond caresses,
By those arms around me thrown;
By that look, which truth expresses,
My fond heart is all thy own.
Thus, with glowing inclination,
They indulge the tender bliss;
And to bind the lasting passion,
Seal it with a mutual kiss:
Close, in fond embraces, lying,
They together seem to grow;
Such supreme delight enjoying,
As true lovers only know.