University of Virginia Library


IV. The 35th HYMN.

To Diana.

Hear me, oh queen, Jove's daughter, various-nam'd,
Bacchian and Titan, noble huntress queen,
Shining on all, torch-bearer, bright Dictynna,
O'er births presiding, and thy ready aid
To all imparting in the pangs of birth,
Tho' unexperienc'd of those pangs thyself;
Dissolver of the zone, soother of care,
Fierce huntress in the course unweary'd still,
Delighting in the bow and sylvan sports,
Trav'ling by night, auspicious and renown'd,
Of manly form, erect and tow'ring, swift
T'assist, pure expiating pow'r, great nurse
Of mortals, earthly and celestial, blest
And rich, the woody hills possessing, bane
Of beasts, pursuer of the nimble stag.


Dread universal queen, who flourish fair
In youth perpetual, woods and dogs delight
Thy soul, Cydonian, multiform. Oh come
Benignant to thy mystics, saving pow'r,
Auspicious, send from earth the beauteous fruits,
Give us fair peace, and health with lovely locks,
And to the mountains drive disease and pain.