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A Poetical Translation of the works of Horace

With the Original Text, and Critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By the Revd Mr. Philip Francis...The third edition

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Ode XXXI. To Apollo.

When at Apollo's hallow'd Shrine
The Poet hails the Power divine,
What is the Blessing he implores
While he the first Libation pours?
He nor desires the swelling Grain,
That yellows o'er Sardinia's Plain;
Nor the fair Herds that lowing feed
On warm Calabria's flowery Mead;
Nor Ivory of spotless Shine,
Nor Gold forth-flaming from its Mine;
Nor the rich Fields, that Liris laves,
And eats away with silent Waves.
Let others quaff the racy Wine
To whom kind Fortune gives the Vine;
The golden Goblet let Him drain,
Who venturous plows th'Atlantic Main,
Blest with three safe Returns a Year,
For He to every God is dear.


To Me boon Nature frankly yields
Her wholesome Sallad from the Fields,
Nor ask I more than Sense and Health
Still to enjoy my present Wealth.
From Age and all its Weakness free,
O Son of Jove, preserv'd by Thee,
Give me to strike the tuneful Lyre,
And Thou my latest Song inspire.