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Distressed Sion Relieved

Or, The Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness. Wherein are Discovered the Grand Causes of the Churches Trouble and Misery under the late Dismal Dispensation. With a Compleat History of, and Lamentation for those Renowned Worthies that fell in England by Popish Rage and Cruelty, from the Year 1680 to 1688. Together with an Account of the late Admirable and Stupendious Providence which hath wrought such a sudden and Wonderful Deliverance for this Nation, and Gods Sion therein. Humbly Dedicated to their Present Majesties. By Benjamin Keach

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A Complaint against Drunkenness.
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A Complaint against Drunkenness.

Dost thou not see how filthy Drunkenness
Does reign in City, and in Villages?
Some reel and wallow in the Streets like Swine,
Whilst others boast their strength in drinking Wine;
Although to such God doth denounce a curse,
They mind it not, but still grow worse and worse:


Dread not Examples of Gods wrath at all,
Nor what to Drunkards does so oft befal:
Although Gods Word has fearful warnings given,
That Drunkards never shall inherit Heaven,
But that their Lot shall with damn'd Spirits be
In Chains of darkness to Eternity.
They Drink, Carouse, and waste their jolly Breath
Upon the brink of Everlasting death.
What-e're ensues, they are resolv'd they will
Carouse full Goblets, and be filthy still.
Thus men by Pride, by Oaths, by Worldliness,
By daily swallowing Liquor to Excess
Defile the Land, and do the Lord provoke,
To cause his vengeance on the Land to smoke.
Sin sets the door wide open, and makes way
For all the sorrows of th' approaching day,
These are in part the cause of Englands woe,
And will (if Grace prevents not) it undo:
But there are other heinous Sins behind,
Which pierce my Bowels, and perplex my Mind.