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[Dear to the Gods Ambrosia prov'd]

Dear to the Gods Ambrosia prov'd,
As dear are Books where they're belov'd;
They're still the Mind's delicious Treat,
Its healthful, most substantial Meat;
The Soul's ennobling, sprightly Wine,
Like Nectar sweet, and as Divine:
Castalian Springs did ne'er produce
A richer, more spirituous Juice.
When by't inspir'd, we fearless rise,
And, like the Giants, brave the Skies.
Pelion on Ossa boldly lay,
From thence both Earth and Sea survey:


On them the huge Olympus throw,
Then to the tow'ring Summet go,
Thence take a View of Worlds on High,
From Orb to Orb with Pleasure fly;
Still upward soar, until the Mind
Effects do's in their Causes find,
And them pursue till they unite
In the bless'd Source of Truth and Light.