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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Loves Fruition.
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Loves Fruition.

Tell me not I my time mispend,
'Tis time lost to reprove me:
Enjoy thou thine, I have my End,
So Chloris onely love me.
Tell me not others flocks are full,
Mine poor, let them despise me
That more abound with Milk, and Wool,
So Chloris only prize me.
Try other easier eares with these
Unappertaining Stories;
He never feels the Worlds disease,
That cares not for her Glories.
For pity thou that wiser art,
Whose thoughts lies wide of mine;
Let me alone with my one heart,
And I'le ne'r envy thine.
Nor blame whoever blames my wit,
That seek's no higher prize
Then in unenvy'd Shades to sit,
And sing of Chloris Eyes.