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What sharpe assaultes of cruell CVPIDS flame
Wyth gyddie heade thus tosseth to and froe,
This bedlem Wyght, and diuelysh despret dame
What rouing rage her pricks to worke this woe?
Rough rancours vile congeales her frosen face,
Her hawty breast bumbasted is vvyth pryde,
Shee shakes her heade, shee stalkes vvyth stately pace.
Shee threates our king more then doth her betyde.


Who would her deeme to bee a banisht wyght,
Whose skarlet Cheekes doe glowe with rosy red?
In faynting Face, with pale and wanny whyght
The sanguyne hewe exyled thence is fled
Her chaunging lookes no colour longe can holde,
Her shifting feete still trauasse to and froe.
Euen as the fearce and rauening Tyger olde
That doth vnware his sucking whelpes forgoe,
Doth rampe, and rage, most eger ferce and wood,
Among the shrubs and busshes that doe growe
On Ganges stronde that golden sanded flood,
Whose siluer streame through India doth flowe.
Euen so MEDEA sometime vvantes her wits
To rule the rage of her vnbrydeled ire,
Nowe UENVS Sonne, wyth busie froward fits,
Nowe Wrath, and Loue enkyndle both the fire.
What shall shee doe? when will this heynous wyght
With forwarde foote bee packing hence away,
From Greece? to ease our Realme of terrour quight,
And prynces twayne whom she so sore doth fray:
Nowe Phœbus lodge thy Charyot in the West,
Let neyther Raynes, nor Brydle stay thy Race,
Let groueling light with Dulceat nyght opprest
In cloking Cloudes wrapt vp his muffled Face,
Let Hesperus the loadesman of the nyght,
In Western floode drench deepe the day so bryght.