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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quod dicitur saluator in actu.

ffor his dede salueour eke also
callide he is ful skilfully,
for bot his dede hade holpen tho,
noȝt hade auailet his maistry.


Quat serues mon, now takes hede,
A vertu ȝyuen to worch with-al?
but he wil profre hit forth in dede,
that vertu serues of ful smal.
Therfore fully to fulfille
that God ordeynet at bygynnyng,
Mary, as was Goddes wille,
gaf hym þat nome at hir beryng.
In fulle significacioun
that with þat flesch saue vs wold he,
that he toke with deuocioun
of Mary forto make vs fre.
So that preue wel we moun
by thes ilke skilles thre,
Ihesus was ȝyuen hym by resoun
to nome er made was stone or tre.
And eft quen he conceyuet was
Mary was beden by Gabriel
to calle hym Ihesu ful of gras,
As ho did, nys not to concele.
The thrid time that nome he has,
As this day ȝyuen hym for our hele,
As Luke in his boke mynde mas,
to wayue our wo & wyn vs wele.
Now sithen that God at bygynnyng
this nome gaf to his sone by ryght,
After by Gabriels gretyng
quen that Crist in our lady light,
The thrid time in confermyng
the worde þat ȝore God hym bihyȝt,
this nome Ihesu, to my thinkyng,
shuld vertuose be and mi[ch] of myȝt.