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The Shine of Grace.

How should I Choose but make my nimble Feet
Dance on thy Beames that string my Harp and meet
Upon my Cords my Tunes with Glory sweet
And lightens them?
But I am Dull and keep no stops at all
But by my blundrings oft the strings do fall
Or else my bluntness doth thy beams begall
Lord help me then.
Behold, my Soule, how Graces Sun hath thrown
Her Glorious Shines abroad the which have flown
In flocks of Golden Doves which are her own
And sparkle bright.
Jerusalem this sparkling Grace doth guild
Macarius, by whom the Same's Distilld
Then Maximus, who had an Eye out drilld
For Christs true light.
The Arian Cyrill then slipt there awhile
But outed was. Herenius free from guile
Heraclius, Hilarius, whose style
Was better far
Cyrill again, then John then Prayd taught there,
And now at Antioch there did shine Cleare
Tyrran, Vital and Philagon who were
A martyre Star.
In other places rose bright stars of Grace
The Brave Paphnatius who from his face
Had lost an Eye and to the Mines must trace
For Christs Choice name
Who brought the Nicene Synod to the right
Eusebius Pamphilus, a bright Light,
Who in Cesaria's Candlestick flam'd bright
With holy flame
Gregory Mazianzen, And Nyssen
Basill the Great, Eusebius, Emissen
And Amphilochuiss choice Worthy men
Whose glory shines


In Alexandria Peter Bishop's made
Then Alexander who 'gainst Arius pray'd
The Wolfe might not among the sheep be staid
At any time
For then (saith he) who can thy Judgments know?
But if the matters truely must so go
Take me thy servant from this Life and loe
The blow ensude
Then Athanasius that bright shining star,
A man of sorrow, Dydimus the War
About the Holy Ghost man Well and far
Did well Conclude.
Arnobius may in this golden Chain
Possess a linck: and Epiphanius claim
Another who in Cyprus now did gain
Such grace as shown
But Cross the Seas In Italy there rose
Besides at Rome too many to propose
Eusebius of Vercells, whom Christs foes
The Arians stone
Jerom The Learned sprig of Pannonia
But yet in Italy his grace we may
Consider most and Oh Aquileia
The Ruffins Raise
Did send abroad their Gracious Radient shine
There sprang another out of Victorine
The flowring Rhetoritian of his time
Now Grace displaise
To come to Spain, thy glory Corduba
By Oscius did make an Holy day
Whom the Curst Arians scourgd when he was gray,
Juvencus did appear in Graces Hew
Prudentius that doth eighteen Martyres shew
Whose Verses of Poetick Measures View
How they lament.
In France at Poictiers Hilarys Beams out fly
At Millain Holy Ambrose liv'd so high
Was not asham'de to Live nor fraid to dy
He dying said.
In England Londons glorious star shone cleare
Brave Restitutes who did preach Christ there
And Keby Corine, who in Cornwall were
A shine displaid
Nay Graces Beams did now the Throne assay
Did bellish ore the sword, the Crown orelay
With Glorious shines, did guild this golden day
Of Constantine


Surprizd his Heart and Hand in truth, and make
Them both her Cabbinets from which forth brake
The Glory of the Pearles therein which spake
Him most divine.
The Glorious Sun Shine Dayes of Gospell Light
Are shining forth, no force them to benight
The golden Traces of the Gospell bright
All now put on
That Christ may be the Driver and his Cause
The Weighty Worke this Conversation draws:
And glory all the fruite, without all flaws
Gaind hereupon
This Champion grievd to see Maxentius Vile
With all his beastly Villanies defile
The City Rome and Empire thus to spoile
Did muse Reliefe
But now his Charms and Spells and Witcheries
Do him good man with pannick feare surprize
Against whose Charmes aloud to God he Cries
Who easd his griefe
Then lifting up his eyes to heaven, he soon
Saw in the Skies west little after noon
A Perfect shining Cross with letters shown
That dorst were in't
Thus In hoc Vince, yet for feare his sight
Should run a Snick-Snarles he his Army streight
Treats touching it and they beheld it bright
As in a print.
And pondring of it till the night orespred
Him with her Vaile, When sleep laid down his head
Christ with his Cross appear'd to him in bed
Who lay a sleep,
And bad him then the Cross he saw pourtray
In his bright Banner, and the same display
Implying that the Victory that way
Should with him keep,
And thus he did: and was too treated right
Touching the Lord, he then engagu'd to fight
Maxentius' Troops them routs and doth affright
Maxentius who
Upon the bridge of boats he as a Trap
Set to take Constantine in, hath the hap
To hansell sitst which into Tybers lap
Did him soon throw.
He with his Idols, Divells, C. arms and Spells
Sinks in the Waves a fishing goes; farewell
Maxentius and his hosts now let them tell
The force of Charms.


While glorious seasons doth by Constantine
Upon the Roman Cities sweetly shine
And he tryumphantly sings prayse and climbs
Above all harms.
He now doth hug the Gospell, Grace doth prize
Advance Christs Cause, secure his truths, destroyes
His foes and puts an end to Tyrannies
Oh! sweet, sweet, day!
The Churches tast his bounty, he restores
Their banisht Ministers, doth heale their soars
And kiss their scars they as Christs tassles wore
Now Christians sway.
And ore his Royall Palace to Disgrace
All Pagan Gods he doth his Picture place
With a Cross or'e't, a Couchant Dragon base
Under its feet
He greatly strove to keep in Unity
Christs one bright Intrest people, and his Eye
Oft gusht out tears, when Christians jaringly
Livd, as unmeet.
Thus Christianity enthron'de doth reign
And sweeps down Hethenism, doth mentain
The blessed Gospell, leads to lasting gain,
Oh, stand amaizd!
How doth the glorious sun of Grace thus shine?
And glorifie these dayes which grace doth line?
Out by the square and Compass all Divine?
The Lord be Praisd.