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33. [Wpone Tabacco]
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33. [Wpone Tabacco]

Forsaken of all comforts but these two,
My faggott and my Pipe, I sitt and Muse
On all my crosses, and almost accuse
The heavens for dealing with me as they doe.
Then hope steps in and with a smyling brow
Such chearfull expectations doth infuse
As makes me thinke ere long I cannot chuse
But be some Grandie, whatsoever I'm now.
But haveing spent my pype, I then, perceive
That hopes and dreames are Couzens, both deceive.
Then make I this conclusion in my minde,
Its all one thing, both tends vnto one Scope
To live vpon Tobacco and on hope,
The ones but smoake, the other is but winde.