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ELEGIA. 17. Quod Corinnæ soli sit seruaturus.
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ELEGIA. 17. Quod Corinnæ soli sit seruaturus.

To serue a wench if any thinke it shame,
He being iudge, I am conuinc'd of blame.
Let me be slandered, while my fire she hides,
That Paphos, and the floud-beate Cithera guides,
Would I had beene my mistresse gentle prey,
Since some faire one I should of force obey,
Beauty giues heart, Corinnas lookes excell,
Aye me why is it knowne to her so well?
But by her glasse disdainefull pride she learnes,
Nor she her selfe but first trim'd vp discernes.
Not though thy face in all things make thee raigne,
(O face most cunning mine eyes to detayne)

Thou ought'st therefore to scorne me for thy mate,
Small things with greater may be copulate,
Loue-snarde Calypso is supposde to pray,
A mortall nimphes refusing Lord to stay.
Who doubts, with Pelius, Thetis did consort,
Egeria with iust Numa had good sport,
Venus with Vulcan, though smiths tooles laide by,
With his stumpe-foote he halts ill-fauouredly.
This kinde of verse is not alike, yet fit,
With shorter numbers the heroick sit.
And thou my light accept me how so euer,
Lay in the mid bed, there be my law giuer.
My stay no crime, my flight no ioy shall breed,
Nor of our loue, to be asham'd we need.
For great reuenews I good verses haue,
And many by me to get glory craue.
I know a wench reports her selfe Corinne,
What would not she giue that faire name to winne?
But sundry flouds in one banke neuer go,
Eurotas cold, and poplar-bearing Po.
Nor in my bookes shall one but thou be writ,
Thou doest alone giue matter to my wit.