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To her Eyes.

Black eyes, if you seem dark,
It is because your beams are deep,
And with your soul united keep
Who could discern
Enough into them, there might learn,
Whence they derive that mark;


And how their power is such,
That all the wonders which proceed from thence,
Affecting more the mind then sense,
Are not so much
The works of light, as influence.
As you then joined are
Unto the Soul, so it again
By its connexion doth pertain
To that first cause,
Who giving all their proper Laws,
By you doth best declare
How he at first b'ing hid
Within the veil of an eternal night.
Did frame for us a second light,
And after bid
It serve for ordinary sight.
His Image then you are,
If there be any yet who doubt
What power it is that doth look out
Through that your black.
He will not an example lack,
If he suppose that there
Were grey, or hasle Glass,
And that through them, though sight or soul might shine,
He must yet at the last define,
That beams which pass
Through black, cannot but be divine.