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Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil To the Life

Being several Feigned Stories, Comical, Tragical, Tragi-comical, Poetical, Romancical, Philosophical, Historical, and Moral: Some in Verse, some in Prose; some Mixt, and some by Dialogues. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and most Excellent Princess, The Duchess of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Edition

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Why should I live? But who doth know
The way to him, or where to go?
Death's ignorant, the Dead they have
No sense of Grief, when in the Grave.
Forgetful and Unthankful Death,
Hast thou no love, when gone's our Breath?
No Gratitude, but there dost lye,
In dark Oblivion for to dye?
No sense of Love, or Honour, there:
Then Death I prethee me forbear:
Thousands of years in sorrow I
Would live in Grief, and never dye.