University of Virginia Library


Psal. 34. Benedicam Domino.

Davidis, cùm mutavit sensum suum ante Abimelech, & relegavit eum, & abiit. Acrostichon.


All times to blesse the Lord, will I
occasions all prevent;
And make my mouth continually
his praises instrument.


Be thou, O Lord, my soules sole choice,
my glories soveraigne head:
The meeke shall heare it and rejoyce,
by my example led.


Greatly extoll the Lord with mee.
such praise together frame,
As with his greatnesse may agree,
to magnifie his Name.


Desirous that the Lord should heare,
I sought him, and he heard,
And sent mee out of all my feare
deliverance un-deferr'd.


Him to behold, to him they flow'd,
his light did them inflame:
Upon their faces fell no cloud,
no blush, the brand of shame.


Zealous, this poore man cri'd and crav'd
so loud, for some redresse,
That soon the Lord him heard and sav'd,
from all his deep distresse.


Hovering about them, in pitch't field.
JAH'S Angel spreads his wings:
To them that feare him, for a shield
to them releasement brings.


Taste but how good the Lord, and see:
what blessings downe he sends:


O blessed, blessed man is he,
whose trust on him attends!


In feare, ye Saints, that serve the Lord,
to serve him set your mind:
All plenty doth his feare afford,
no want his fearers find.


Courageous Lions hunger-pin'd,
how poorly seeke they food!
But they that seeke the Lord shall find
no want, shall want no good.


Learne, sons, come listen unto mee,
my doctrine with you beare:
Your faithfull teacher will I be,
how ye the Lord shall feare.


Man, who art thou, that wouldst live long,
and see good dayes the while?
No evill-teller, keep thy tongue,
thy lips from speaking guile.


Shun evills out-side-falsers face,
the in-side-foule eschew:
Occasion to doe good embrace,
seeke peace, her steps pursue.


His eares as to the Just to heed,
so bends the Lord his eies:
His eyes observers of their need,
his eares to heare their cries.


Put against them that evill doe,
firme sets the Lord his face,
That out may their memoriall goe,
cut off from earth their race.


True sorrowes guests, the poore they cry,
the Lord their crying heares:
His aide to them doth he apply,
and all their troubles cleeres.



Care-broken hearts to them that have,
the Lord is ever neere;
And he the contrite spirit will save,
his care with comfort cheere.


Redundant evills many fall,
and on the Just encrease:
Yet soon delivered from them all,
the Lord will him release.


Summ'd up, he safeguards every bone,
their number and their state,
That broken of them goes not one
to deaths returnlesse gate.


The passage home shall mischiefe thrust,
the wicked man to slay:
Just hand on them that hate the Just,
a guilty death shall lay.


His servants soule the Lord redeemes,
so deare to him esteem'd:
And none, whose trust of him esteemes,
as guilty shall be deem'd.