University of Virginia Library

Of the Sea Scene.

VVho Lucrine Lakes or Neros Ponds commends.
Admire a Northerne King, whose work transcends.
Lo a new Ocean in his Royall Court
Flowes, and whole Thetis clos'd in limits short.
The blew sea, by't the yellow sands and shore
You see, the rocks with green mosse cover'd ore.
Now waters calme, now without stormie weather
Seas swell, and high growne waves do roll together.
Now fiery foaming surges dash each starre,
Anon with Stygian pooles they mixed are.
Nor want there ships or Mariners to steere,
Nor crook'd Shaulme of the sea-greene trumpeter.
To saile without windes, flouds of silke to see
Dry waters, Thetis, Nereus stonisht be.
Thine mighty King, is the whole right of seas,
Who mak'st and boundest Oceans as thou please.