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To his frovvarde friende.
This is not solom Sophocles,In learned trade which treads,
This is not hardie Hercules,
That conquerd Hydras heads.
Feare not his bousteous vantinge worde,
Though he woulde seeme to braule,
He will aduise his angrie sworde,
On whom his strokes doo fall:
Wordes be but winde, to purge his heate,
His stomacke to abate,
Wherein he shewes his manly feate,
When most he seemes to prate,
Time may aswage these choloricke fomes,
Where Hercles is so bolde,
Thinke not good Hercles all are momes,
When all thy Cardes be tolde.
Wee know the Wood by sight of trees,
Wee know the fier is hot,
Wee know your power and wise decrees,
Though fooles you call our lot,
Farewell good hardie Hercules,
As hardie as thou arte,
Thou maiest be vext with litle Bees,
Though greater be thy harte.
Newe Sonets | ||