University of Virginia Library

Omnes enim in puluere doimient & vermes operient eos.

That is in earth, shall slepe euery man
And wormes shall eate them, from the toe to the pan
For in this worlde, so wytty man is none
Neyther so fayre in flesshe ne bone
Neyther Emperour, Kynge, ne Ceaser
Ne none other Lorde, what state he haue here
Neyther ryche, ne poore, ne bonde, ne fre
Learned ne lewde, what euer he be
That he ne shall tourne, after his last day
To earth and to powdre, and to foule clay
Therfore in my thought, I haue moche wonder
Syth that wormes shall freate vs a sonder
That no man in earth, unneth wyll it so
What he was, and is, and what he shall be
But who that wyll here, in his herte cast
What he fyrste was, and shall be at the last
And also what he is, whyle he lyueth here
He shulde than fynde, full lytell mattere
To make any myrth here, whyle he dwelleth
As a wyse vercyfyour in his verse telleth.