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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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Sith all Gods Creatures are against those that are against God, in action, the Sinner desireth to be in vnitie with him.

As when a Master hath most mortall Foes,
his Seruants, and men, made by him, will be
Most persecuting Enemies to those,
till with their Lord and Master they agree.
So, all thy Creatures (Lord) doe rise in Armes
against great Sinners (if impenitent)
To plague them with all kinde of killing harmes,
till they be ruin'd quite, or made repent.


But being one with Thee, our Enemies
shall seeke our Fauour, and themselues submit:
For, when they see our Succour's in the Skies,
they will adore vs, and acknowledge it:
Then make me (Lord) my foes straight put to flight,
By being one with Thee, for whom they fight.