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Parthenophil and Parthenophe

Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes [by Barnabe Barnes]

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[Blesse still the myrr-tree Venus for thy meede]

Blesse still the myrr-tree Venus for thy meede
For to the weeping myrre, my teares be dew:
Contentious windes which did from Tytan breede
The shaking Aspine tree belonges to you
To'th' Aspine I bequeath my ceaselesse tong:
And Phœbus let thy laurels euer florish
To still greene laurell my loues do belong:
Let mightie Ioue his okes large branches nurrish
For to strong oke mine hart is consecrate
Let dreadfull Pluto blesse blacke Heben tree
To' th' Heben my dispaire is dedicate:
And Nayads let your willowes loued be
To them my fortunes still remoued be:
So shall my teares, tong, passions neuer cease
Nor hart decay nor my dispaire decrease.