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Or Loves Sacrifice. A Divine Poem. Written by E. B. Esq; Several Parts thereof set to fit Aires by Mr J. Jenkins

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THEOPHILA'S Soliloquie.


When Heav'ns Love! Paramount, Himself reveals,
And to the suppliant Soul, her Pardon seals,
At feard-Hopes doubtful Gate, wch trembling fell,


(Who Heav'n-ward sails, coasts by the Cape of Hell)
That Her He deigns to take, She joyes in Woes,
To have in Labour pass'd the Parturition Throes.



All Travell-pangs, all New-birth Heart-deep Groans,
All After-births of Penitential Mones,
Are swallow'd up in living Streams of Bliss;


When as the Heav'n-born Heir, the New-man is,
By th' quickning Spirit of the High'st reborn:
Time past hath pas'd her Night, present presents her Morn.


See Joy in Light, See Light in Joy; O, see,
Poor worthless Maid, Fruit brought thee from Lifes-Tree,
By th' Spouse & Spirit, Saints sole Supporters! Rise


Then, Hells Apostate, and be Heav'nly wise:
Thou art (Lets interpledge our Souls) my One,
My All, though not by Unitie, by Union!


Ineffably mysterious Knot begun;
Saints mount, as Dew allur'd by beckning Sun:
Loves faithful Friends, what parallels your Guard,


Where Truth is Sentinel, and Grace the Ward?
The Way is Flow'r-strown, where the Guide is Love:
His Spirit with you below, your Spirit with Him Above.


Reciprocal Excesse of Joy! Then, soar
My Soul to Him, Who Man became; Nay more,
Took Sin it self, to cleanse thy fully'd Clay,


But took it, only to take it away.
O, Self Donation! peerlesse Guift, unknown!
Now since that He is Thine, be never Thou thine own!



O, Prodigie of Great and Good! Faith, sound
This Loves Abysse, that do's so strangly bound
Almightines It Self! From Whose Veins, see,


Unsluc't, Loves purple Ocean, when His Free
Red-streaming Life did vanquish Death & Hell!
That thou might'st live, He dy'd! That thou might rise, He fell!


God so lov'd Man, that Naturalists may deem
God to set Man before Himself did seem!
When Man, with seeing blinde, 'gainst God arose,


And slew his only Friend, God sav'd his Foes!
Sol mour'nd in blacks! Heav'ns Vice-roy, Nature, swounded!
Excess Loves Reason was, Immensitie Love bounded!


Ye Twins of Light, as Sun-flow'rs be enclin'd
To th' Sun of Righteousnes; Let Taste, refin'd,
Like nothing as Loves Heav'nly Manna; and


Let all but Christ feel rough, as Esaus Hand;
Let nought like's Garment smell; Let Ears rejoyce,
But in expresles Dictates of Loves whisp'ring Voice!


He's thy bright Sun; 'twixt Whom, and thy Souls Bliss,
Thy earthie Body interposed is;
Whereby such dread Eclipses caused are,


As fam'd Astronomers can ne're declare:
Yet oft He shines; Then, vanish servile Fears;
Then, Heav'n-ward filial Hopes dry up thy trickling Tears.



Spiritual Light Spirituals clears: In Heav'n
Thou'lt view that full, what now by Glimps, like Steph'n
Thou canst but spy; There, shalt thou Face to Face,


His Light, His Joy, His Love, His Pow'r, His Grace,
And His All-Filling Glory clearly see
In optick Emanations from Eternitie!


I'th' Ring of boundless Luster, from whose Ray
This petty World gleaneth its peep of Day:
Thou shalt be Crown'd with Wreaths of endless Light:


Here, oft's an Enterview in Heat, and Might,
By Inter-lucidations from Above,
Twining Embraces with's ensphearing Arm of Love!


Most blessed Souls, to whom He do's appear,
Folded within your Arms chast Hemisphear!
O,Condescent! How's Lips shed Love! Life, Merit!


He makes his Angels Court of Guard! By's Spirit
He crowns you with his Grace! So, with his Blood,
When He Redeem'd you, and consign'd His Flesh for Food!


Meat came from th' Eater, from the Strong did Dew
Sweetnesse; when as, incomparably true,
Omnipotencies Self did largely shed


His mystick Oil of Joy upon thy Head:
Then, trample Sin in Babylons golden Cup;
Treasures away She trifles, Trifles treasures up.



Oyl of this Lamp, obsequious Soul, lights Thee
To thine approaching Heav'n in Sanctitie
Be actuated then; Being up assum'd


By this bright Sun, with this rich Oyl perfum'd,
Th' art prepossest with Heav'nly Comforts, which,
With their Soul-chearing Sweets, both ravish and enrich.


Poor, panting Heart, Loves Seat, yearn for Joys Pith!
To have (thy highest Bliss!) Communion with
The Father & the Son, one Spirit with Christ!


And One in Them, as They are One! Thou fly'st
Through Grace to Glory! Vision shall sublime
Thy Faith, Fruition Hope, Eternity thy Time!