University of Virginia Library


Yes, Love can discourse independent of eyes,
The pressure of hands, or the breathing of sighs;
Attend, then, its accents, and deign to approve,
For MUSIC, dear girl, is the language of love.
'T is true that the eyes and the lips may impart
A counterfeit sentiment, tutored by art;
But nought can the pulses of sympathy move
Like MUSIC, for that is the language of love.


The tone of affection is framed in the soul,
'T is spirit, unfettered by matter's control;
For what is the language of seraphs above,
But MUSIC?—and there 't is the language of love.
Then doubt, dearest maiden, professions and sighs,
The glow of the hand, the expression of eyes;
But doubt not the soul's aspirations, which prove,
That MUSIC is still the true language of love.