University of Virginia Library



Ida, look me in the eyes!
Place your tiny lips on mine,
Rest one arm upon my brow,
Round my neck the other twine.
Did you leave your house of blocks
And the toy that pleases thee?
Did you see me sad and wan
That you clomb upon my knee,
Kissing me so tenderly?
Did your finer sense perceive
Something of unhappiness?
Did your inner vision see
What the others did not guess,
That you clomb upon my knee,
Kissing with such tenderness?


“Ida loves you very much,”
Don't I know it, dainty one?
There is not a single curl,
Tiny curls, like beams of sun!
Reeling from that busy head,
Floating as a golden charm,
That I would not give my hand,
Or my life to save from harm.
Ida, look me in the eyes!
Place your tiny lips on mine,
Rest one arm upon my brow,
Round my neck the other twine.