University of Virginia Library


While 'neath the flowers, sadly wandering,
With thoughts of days gone by,
I saw the birds around me squandering,
Soaring toward the sky.
The gayest of all, a mocking bird,
Singing his tuneful lay;
The singer, the sweetest ever heard,
Cheered me along my way.
He recalled to me the magic spell
Thrown over me last year;
His voice, like yours, I remember well,
Did sound so sweet and clear.
Because he sang the same sweet song
That once I heard you sing;
It made my heart beat loud and strong,
Echoes my soul did ring.
How long I stood, how many hours,
I don't remember well;


But this I know, I plucked some flowers,
And they the tale may tell.
And they to you I do gladly send,
White and red roses, too;
Accept them, my bonnie young friend,
I plucked them all for you.