University of Virginia Library


The Bride Wore Black
(Wilson Hall; 4:30, 7 and 9
p.m.; series pass). Beneath the
surface of Jeanne Moreau's
relentlessly dead pan
performance and the seeming
chaos of Francois Truffaut's
conception, lurks a masterful
film filled with irony and
obsession. Moreau is so unreal
that she becomes a fantasy to
the men she seeks to murder.
Mired in the lassitude of an
uneventful life, these males
clutch at the fantasy and the
ever more distant realities that
Moreau represents.

Cries and Whispers
(University; 1,2:40, 4:20,
6,7:40 and 9:20 p.m.;
$2–except 5:30-6:30 $1).

Alice's Adventures In
(Barracks Road;
1:25,3:20,5:15,7:10 and
9:05p.m.; $2).