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Dear Sir:

I like to think that I share
the disgust of many students
here over the continued poor
quality of concerts that are
booked into Charlottesville. I
would merely like to know
why U.Va. seems unable (or
unwilling) to book any of the
talent that has appeared
throughout this state in the last
12 months.

Traffic, Deep Purple, Edgar
Winter, Neil Young, Poco,
James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac,
Elton John, Yes, BS&T, etc.
have all been in Virginia
recently, yet somehow we are
asked to sit through Chicago,
The Kinks, Lindisfarne,
Elephant's Memory, Chuck
Berry (probably the worst
concert I have ever attended),
and now another "big name
group," Taj Mahal. Why are we
consistently offered such
unnoted entertainment?

When other colleges in
Virginia (William and Mary and
V.P.I., to name two) book
good acts; when U.Va. is one
of the largest universities in
the state; and when we are
only two hours from
Washington, why does whoever
book these concerts continue
to pass up quality
entertainment in favor of

Why should we have to
travel to big cities like
Williamsburg or Salem to hear
groups that should be playing

If those in charge can't do
any better job than has been
done in the past year or two,
why can't we bring in an
outside promoter to give us
some decent concerts? How
much longer will this shuck go

Larry Buxton
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