University of Virginia Library

Professors Testify

Among those testifying in
favor of the amendment were
five from Charlottesville,
University of Virginia Law
Professors Walter Wadlington
and Brock Hornby, City
Councilwoman Jill Rinehart,
Elizabeth (Buffy) Scott of the
Virginia League of Women
Voters and attorney Anne
Whittemore of the Virginia
Women's National Caucus.

Del. McDiarmid blasted
Mrs. Schlafly saying that when
she had introduced the bill she
believed it would pass with
little trouble, but due to the
"fanning of fears" by Mrs.
Schalfly, "through her unfactual
and misinforming newsletter,"
the current uproar had

Mrs. Schlafly, who spoke
later, outlined a long list of
dire predictions of what would
befall women if the bill were
ratified. The amendment
would be "depriving the wife
of her full right to be fully
supported by her husband,"
she said. Warning that women's
dower rights would be
abolished and all women would
be subjected to the draft, she
called for the death of ERA.