University of Virginia Library



Second V.W. class meeting in room
247 Cabell Hall 8:00 p.m. Thurs.

Robert Gipe of Tennessee Eastman
will speak on career opportunities:
Chemical Industry. Thurs. Feb. 24,
at 7:30 p.m. in Newcomb Hall
Room 4A.

Three films in French, South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall
8:00 p.m. Admission 75 cents.

Scuba Club meeting, film in room
22 Mem. Gym at 8:00, Trip to
Florida during Spring Break will be

Young Republicans: Board meeting
216 Wilson Hall-8:00 p.m. All
interested invited to attend.

AIAA Election Meeting 7:30 A&M
Aud. "Refreshments" All students

YD Executive Committee mtg; Page
Lounge; 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

ASME & SAE meeting Feb. 24 ME
Bldg Grad. Lounge New members


Alpha Chi Sigma Rush
Smoker-Friday night-8:00
p.m.-Open to all science majors,
premeds, & nurses 111 Monticello
Cr.-Free Beer.

BSA meeting Fri. Feb. 25th at
6:30 South meeting room.

Graduate Dance-Rotunda-Friday
Feb. 25, 9:30 p.m.,-1:30 a.m.
Music by "The Jivers"-admission
$1.50, beer free.


Doing Research on infant
vocalizations, subjects needed (age
3 mos. to 20 mos) for this project,
involves one recording session. Call
Chris Weaver 924-3374.

MEAT-Application forms for the
Medical College Admission Test
available in Placement Office, 5
Minor Hall, test dates May 6 or
Oct. 7.

Women's Tennis Team meeting,
Monday, February 28, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room, Newcomb Hall.
All interested please attend.

Wanted: Someone to work with
woodworking at sheltered
workshop. For information call
Companionship Therapy, Madison
Hall. 295-3032.

Hillel Foundation: Purim Pray and
ll-Buffet, Sunday, February 27
5 p.m.; phone 295-4963 for
reservations. Last call for Passover
Seder March 29 and 30.

French Essay Contest ($600 First
Prize, $300 Second
Prize)-Deadline April 14.
Information available from Prof.
Artinian, CH355, MWF 10-11.

3rd year Pre-Meds: 1972 MCAT
and Dental Test Application (due
April) available Cabell 450.

Ell Banana, IMP Society, and
Thirteen Society. Please pick up
mail from Student Government

the Red Cross bloodmobile to be
held at the Westminster Church,
rugby Road just past Beta Bridge,
12 noon to 5:30-Red Cross needs
your help to meet our quota.

Tuesday, February 29.