University of Virginia Library

Albert Enters Fray

Larry Albert took over the
Virginia helm after that and led
his team 76 yards for still
another touchdown. The score
came on a six-yard pass to Jim
Lacey and, after Maxwell's
extra point was forgivably
blocked, the score reached the
23-7 level.

The third quarter was a
chamber of Wahoo horrors.
After the teams exchanged
field goals Maryland rose from
the dead. Neville suddenly
began throwing like Bart Starr
and scrambling like Roger
Staubach. After he was literally
rent asunder by a vicious tackle
by Billy Williams his
replacement, Jeff Shugars,
looked even better.

Maryland receivers of little
previous renown were
embarrassingly wide open and,
with 8:53 remaining, the Cavs
were on the tag end of the new
27-26 tally. This was, I guess,
the signal for the sleeping
Cavaliers to reawaken and
wake up they did, first on
defense by stopping two
Maryland drives, and later on
offense by moving for the
winning score.