University of Virginia Library

Non Competitive Outings Can
Fill The Need To Cut Loose


Periodically, almost every
student feels the need to cut loose
and get away, and there is an
organization at the University to
accommodate this need. The Outing
Club explains itself in its very
name. Terry Plampin, president of
the Outing Club, said the purpose
of the club is to engage in

"non-competitive outdoor
activities. We get out in the
outdoors and enjoy each other
without a competitive setting."

This year, the club has already
had numerous canoe trips as well as
hiking, rock climbing, and caving
trips. On any weekend, there may
be as many as four trips going, each
involving several people. Mr.
Plampin is planning for
backpacking and winter camping
trips in the future. The club will
also offer cross country and
down-hill skiing trips, as well as a
trip to a wilderness-type beach. Sky
diving is an additional club activity.

Distance seems to pose no
insurmountable obstacle if we judge
by one of the trips undertaken on
the week-end of October 8-10 On
that week-end, several students
went to a regional Outing Club
camping trip at Lake George, which
is about 50 miles north of Albany,
N.Y.. On Friday the 8th, they took
an 11:30 a.m. bus from
Charlottesville to Philadelphia,
where they picked up a car, finally
arriving at the campsite at 2:00
a.m. Saturday morning. Of that
trip, Mr. Plampin said, "It wasn't
just being there. Half the fun was
getting up and back." However,
that was the longest Outing Club
trip in recent memory, and there
are plenty of interesting places in
our general vicinity.

Membership in the club is
increasing this year, and with the
diversity of the members, activities
are also becoming diverse.
Enthusiasm for trips is usually
generated in the club's bi-weekly
meetings, as trips are undertaken
according to the interests of the
people at the meeting. Sign-up lists
for trips and other Outing Club
news is posted on the bulletin
board near the elevator on the first
floor of Newcomb Hall.

Mr. Plampin says trips are "open
to any member of the University.
He needn't be a member of the
club." Costs are usually only the
cost of transportation, and for
those who wish to consistently
participate, dues are $4 per year.