University of Virginia Library

Dear Mr. Mannix:

The Committee on the
Arboretum has learned with great
concern of the plan to hold a "sleep
in" on the Lawn of the University.
Our concern is not with the right
or privilege to demonstrate but the
fact that the grass and beauty of
the Lawn will be damaged beyond
repair by such contemplated action.

The B and G force have worked
long and hard to restore the grass
on the Lawn to its usual beauty and
healthy state following the severe
damage which was incurred during
the demonstration last year. It
would appear that destroying
nature by your proposed "sleep in"
is contrary to student concern for
the environment.

Could your group not use the
Dell, dormitory area or student
athletic fields so as to preserve the
Lawn in all its beauty. Your
concern for the future of the
University is well known and shared
by this Committee.

B.F.D. Runk,
Committee on the Arboretum