University of Virginia Library

People's Peace Treaty

(Between The People Of The U.S. And Vietnam)

Be it known that the American and Vietnamese people are not enemies. The war is carried out in
the names of the people of the United States and South Vietnam but without out consent. It
destroys the land and people of Vietnam. It drains America of its resources, its youth and its honor.

We hereby agree to end the war on the following terms, so that both peoples can live under the
joy of independence and can devote themselves to building a society based on human equality and
respect for the earth.

1. The Americans agree to immediate and total withdrawal from Vietnam and publicly to set the
date by which all American forces will be removed.

The Vietnamese pledge that as soon as the U.S. Government publicly sets a date for total

2. They will enter discussions to secure the release of all American prisoners, including pilots
captured while bombing North Vietnam.

3. There will be an immediate cease-fire between U.S. forces and those led by the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam.

4. They will enter discussions of the procedures to guarantee the safety of all withdrawing

5. The Americans pledge to end the imposition of Thieu-Ky-Khiem on the people of South Vietnam
in order to insure their right to self-determination and so that all political prisoners can be released.

6. The Vietnamese pledge to form a provisional coalition government to organize democratic
elections. All parties agree to respect the results of elections in which all South Vietnamese can
participate freely without the presence of any foreign troops.

7. The South Vietnamese pledge to enter discussion of procedures to guarantee the safety and
political freedom of those South Vietnamese who have collaborated with the U.S. or with the U.S.
supported regime.

8. The Americans and Vietnamese agree to respect the independence, peace and neutrality of
Laos and Cambodia in accord with the 1954 and 1962 Geneva conventions and not to interfere in
the internal affairs of these two countries.

9. Upon these points of agreement, we pledge to end the war and resolve all other questions in
the spirit of self-determination and mutual respect for all independence and political freedom of the
people of Vietnam and the United States.

By ratifying the agreement, we pledge to take whatever actions are appropriate to implement the
terms of this joint Treaty and to insure its acceptance by the government of the United States.

(Printed by USNSA)

Tables will be set up today for individuals or groups to ratify the treaty on the second floor
Newcomb Hall, fourth floor entrance to Wilson Hall, and in front of Cocke Hall.