University of Virginia Library

Beyond Reproach

Dear Sir:

Poor little Cavalier Daily. You
are so perfect that you will hardly
be able to accept reproach for your

Re your picture "Stoned
Fucker" from December 14th. The
Cavalier Daily, like it or not,
represents the University of
Virginia to a large number of
people outside the University. If
pictures like that which appeared
December 14th, and the editorial of
today, December 15th, represent
student attitudes, then I must take
exception to those attitudes.

How will you, in your infinite
wisdom and infallibility, answer the
following question?

The writer of this letter is:

  • a.) A prude

  • b.) A hypocrite

  • c.) A saint

  • d.) Any 2 of the above

  • e.) None of the above

  • f.) All of the above

I'm interested in your answer.
One word of advice. If you think to
answer this letter or ever to
represent this student's opinions or
attitudes, Please don't.

Heinz Brinks
Med 2